Branding Series: Branding Implementation

All of your hard work researching and planning cannot come to fruition without a rock solid implementation strategy. Brand strategy implementation is one of the toughest exercises a company can go through but it can also be one of the most rewarding.

Brand implementation is when you finally get the chance to tell the brands story and everything it stands for. It is important to plan and prioritize how your brand efforts should be concentrated to meet realistic goals. Creating an integrated implementation strategy will ensure you are reaching your target audience when and where they are looking for you. This stage is also where the creative aspects of a brand come in to play. Being easily recognizable by your consumers is crucial, therefore the design element should be practical to implement among several platforms.

Consistency is king. Planning for the long term will help maintain a consistent presence in your market. Consistency in communication can also make or break a brand implementation strategy. Internal communication needs to reflect your brands personality and also be reflected outwardly by team members and employees. In addition, external communication with customers, media and shareholders should reflect that brand promise.

Tracking and analyzing segments of your implementation strategy will tell you what works and what doesn’t. The ability to track and measure the results of your branding efforts will indefinitely influence how you approach future brand initiatives. Continually gathering insights into how your consumers react to your brand  and utilizing that information to improve your strategy will ensure your brand continues and increases credibility along the way. We live in an era of continual change, therefore the ability for a brand to adapt is the difference between the brands that were and the brands that are. Check back to our branding blog series for examples of how brands can effectively adapt and continue to thrive.