Create Killer Website Copy

Creating or even repurposing content for your website does not have to be a daunting task. If you already have a website, that existing content is a great base. Don’t have an existing website? Even better! You have a blank canvas. Company fliers, brochures, product guides, etc. can all be used as supporting documents to create killer copy for your website. Here are some pointers that will make your website visitors actually WANT to read your content and more importantly reach their goal when visiting your website (which also probably happens to be your goals as well). Below are our 7 tips for creating killer website copy.

1. Know exactly who you WANT to have a conversation with.

Don’t try to talk to everyone imaginable, because not everyone will visit your website and that is OK!

2. Focus on those people’s goals instead of your own.

Find out what your visitors want from your website. Your goal may be to make a sale, but there are several steps in the buying process prior to making a purchase. Give the people what they want and your goals will be sure to follow.

3. Make it easy for your readers to reach their goal.

Whether it be to contact you, answer a question, make a purchase, etc. Don’t bury the most useful information in fluffy promotional jargon.

4. Simple is always better.

No one wants to read paragraphs upon paragraphs of the same information re-purposed just to fill a page. The ideal length of content on a web page is enough to say what you need to say and nothing more.

5. Informational website?

How are you going to be short and sweet with an informational website? Sound familiar? Rich media is a BEAUTIFUL thing, literally. Incorporate a video, infographics, images, block quotes, call-to-actions, charts, the list goes on and on. The more visual the information, the better.

6. Proofread!

Nothing undercuts your credibility more than spelling errors.

7. Optimize for search.

There is a reason this is the last thing on the list. You should always write first, optimize second. Have a clear message already written and if there is a great keyword or link you can add after the fact then use it, but only if it elevates what you are trying to say. Otherwise, google might approve but your readers definitely won’t.

Decided that creating your own website content just isn’t for you? Don’t worry, we’ve got you taken care of (we do copywriting too!).