Market Less, Matter More

Here at JUMP we advocate the idea of marketing less and mattering more. We are well aware of the fact that most consumers don’t like commercials, invasive ads, popups, or anything of the sort. This is mainly because at the end of the day, we are consumers too!

We believe in delivering a purposeful message that connects with consumers through engagement, creativity, interactivity, and the power of being found. We find a way to sell the value of your product or service rather than the box that it comes in. Therefore, we have gathered some insights to help you market less, matter more…

Market Less: Stop telling your customers how great you are.

Matter More:  Actions speak louder than words. Prove that your customers should care about your product by providing meaningful interactions concerning real-life situations that concern your consumer.

Market Less: Stop talking about yourself on social media.

Matter More: Rather, build moments to connect people. What better arena to do that then a social networking site. Whether it be an article, video, post, or something your company is doing to help others, the easiest way to matter more is to connect with your consumers or facilitate consumers connecting with others.

Market Less: Stop pushing your company/or product in front of people who don’t care.

Matter More: You only matter to the people that are looking for what you have to offer. Search engine optimization facilitates your company being found by exactly whom you are targeting.

Market Less: Don’t focus all efforts on making something look pretty, quality matters more.

Matter More: Content has and always will be the best way to matter more. If you frequently produce quality content, you will matter more to the customer, point blank. A great way to do this is via a company blog centered on related topics that your target consumer is interested in.

Market Less: Divide and conquer is not always the best strategy.

Matter More: Integration is key to mattering to your consumer. Sending a completely different message online then you say with print materials or on billboards confuses the consumer. Matter more by developing an integrated marketing strategy that engages your consumers on all platforms.

One example of a brand who perfected the art of marketing less and mattering more is Under Armour with the most recent video of their “I Will What I Want” campaign. Other than some strategic product placement, this video is about as ”nonadvertisingish” as it gets. For those who have not been fortunate enough to view it yet, this video features a young and very talented ballerina reading a rejection letter as she is showcasing incredible athletic abilities that 99% of the human population can only dream of. This campaign video tells a story, provides meaningful interactions, and connects people. How many people in the world have experienced rejection? How many of us have worked so incredibly hard for something, just for it to not pan out? Everyone on the face of the earth can relate in one way or another. I along with millions am now emotionally connected to Under Armour. Job well done.
View the Under Armour video to give you an idea on how to matter more.