Social Media and The Super Bowl: Play With the Big Leagues

For years there has been the debate over if Super Bowl ads actually pay off for businesses with the average ad costing 4 million dollars in 2015. For most businesses in the US, running a Super Bowl ad isn’t even an option due to budget. However there is a way to capitalize on the Super Bowl hype: via social media.

For example, at the 2013 Super Bowl a blackout occurred and viewers had an hour of downtime, much of which was spent on their smartphones. Oreo took advantage of this and was considered the Marketing Super Bowl Winner with their tweet and picture “You can still dunk in the dark”. By staying relevant in the social space, Oreo pulled off almost 15,00 retweets using one cookie picture.

Also in 2014, JCPenney famously planned the fake drunk tweets during the Super Bowl and eventually came out saying that night that they were “tweeting with mittens” seeing as the game was outdoors and cold that year. JCPenney gained awareness and interaction with consumers and other brands via the #TweetingWithMittens hashtag.

Being timely and relevant on social media is a key way to interact with your target market and gain brand awareness quickly. With over 284 million active monthly users and many of those tuning in for Super Bowl Sunday, be sure to engage your followers and other brands this year!

For the 2015 Super Bowl, it’s your turn to participate in the conversation! If you are a business or someone in the Louisville area, join the Young Advertising Professionals on Super Bowl to tweet along with the hashtag #LouAdBowl.